Mobile Surveillance System

Improve Fleet Safety with Mobile Surveillance Systems

Managing a fleet of buses effectively requires more than basic safety precautions. REI offers mobile surveillance systems for the transportation industry. Our solutions can monitor and record critical events that occur on and around buses. The videos may then be viewed using internet-connected devices and software, allowing transportation departments to easily identify and secure proof of activities.

Capture Data with Integrated Hardware & Software

Full Video Coverage to Enhance Bus Safety

Bus drivers face a variety of safety and operational challenges while en route. Whether they’re trying to modify student behavior or avoid negligent drivers, a mobile surveillance system from REI can help mitigate and prevent some of these issues. It can be difficult to assess a situation, so a mobile surveillance system provides high-quality data and video that can be reviewed whenever needed. You can easily keep track of critical events with the following:

  • High visibility: Fleet personnel will get crystal clear videos, taken during the day or night. Some HD cameras are equipped with wide-angle lenses to capture 180˚ views of the interior or exterior of a vehicle.
  • Real-time views: Bus activities can be viewed live to allow for faster response times.
  • Storage capabilities: Video can be easily stored in the cloud and shared with other staff members or law enforcement.

Capture Data with Integrated Hardware & Software

REI Mobile Solutions Offer the Security You Need

Mobile surveillance systems are ideal solutions for capturing bus activities. Fleet safety can be compromised by a variety of hazards onboard and on the road. A mobile surveillance system in conjunction with our bus and fleet management software can help identify and mitigate these risks to protect drivers and passengers. Our fleet surveillance experts are here to answer your questions. Contact us today to learn more.